March 5

slice of life/ Jokes

My brother Alexander wanted me to tell jokes.So I said fine.I said.Why did the skeleton not cross the road cause he has no guts.Then he told me to do more.He said this.Josh could you do more jokes.ok I said.But I told him this is the last one when ever you go to the bathroom don’t drink the yellow stuff that was the hard part kids.images copy 5

March 3

Slice of life

When my brother Alexander.Wanted to watch this funny Fifa 15. So he told me this.Josh could I watch a funny Fifa 15 video.So I said ok.I was funny cause the person did a cheat code.But the cheat code was?Make the gaoly sit on a toilate!!!images copy 3

March 2

Slice of life

In the summer I might go to Mexico.It is cause I want to see the tiny little river.My grandpa lives in Mexico.My dad told me when my grandpa was not at the house.Guess what happened?They robbed all his things.So now are family are going to donate the stuff we don’t need.Unknown copy 2

February 9

Diary of a wimpy kid dog days

I was reading Diary of a wimpy kid dog days. My favorite part of the book is when Manny  goes to the mens changing  room.Then Manny takes a shower.Then Greg tries to take Manny out.Then Greg is afraid he might touch one of the guys that are taking a shower.Then he does and screams.Then Manny washes his hands where the men go p**. The book was mad by Jeff Kinney.